Improve your confidence in the validity of your test results!
Detection of Response Bias in Forensic Neuropsychology examines strategies and procedures for determining the validity of results and the patient's motivation during neuropsychological testing. The book discusses procedures to help a clinician assess factors that can affect test accuracy. Developers and researchers present unique insights into each strategy's utility in clinical practice and each procedure's performance in light of factors defined by the United States Supreme Court.
Detection of Response Bias in Forensic Neuropsychology examines the increasing need for practicing clinical neuropsychologists to identify response bias in their evaluations of a patient's neuropsychological impairment. The book presents major response bias detection strategies, addressing in each: whether the theory or technique has been tested; if it has been subjected to peer review and publication; the known or potential rate of error in applying the method; and to what extent the method has been accepted by the relevant scientific community. Each strategy represents a logical, scientific approach in forensic settings that can be applied in neuropsychological assessments.
Detection of Response Bias in Forensic Neuropsychology includes comprehensive reviews of current procedures in wide usage to evaluate the validity of test results. Procedures covered include:
- Portland Digit Recognition Test
- Computerized Assessment of Response Bias (CARB)
- Warrington Recognition Memory Test
- Halstead-Reitan Battery
- Rey's strategies for detecting malingering
- validity scales of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2)
- Victoria Symptom Validity Test (VSVT)
- Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM)
- Word Memory Test (WMT)
- Category Test validity indicators
- much more!
Detection of Response Bias in Forensic Neuropsychology is an essential resource for forensic professionals in determining patient compliance and motivation during testing.