A Catalogue of Greek Vases in the Collection of the University of Melbourne at the Ian Potter Museum of Art

By Peter Connor, Heather Jackson, Ian Potter Museum of Art

A Catalogue of Greek Vases in the Collection of the University of Melbourne at the Ian Potter Museum of Art
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The catalogue of the University of Melbourne's superb collection of Greek vases is now published as a sumptuous, fully colour-illustrated, cloth-covered volume which will suit the needs of students, researchers and interested readers. This richly illustrated book is a collectors' item, designed and produced to library specifications. It offers the complete scholarly apparatus for study of the vase collection, one of the finest in the country and comparable with others around the world. It will prove valuable as a reference text wherever classics, archaeology or art are studied. The book is a product of one of the most outstanding Classical Studies departments in Australia and is destined for libraries throughout the world. It is the first volume in a series planned to feature various aspects of the University's wider collection. Each vase, fully described and documented, appears in rich colour and detail. Styles and periods are introduced by contextualising photographs presented as dramatic double-page spreads. No effort has been spared to publish this collection as beautifully as these unique artifacts deserve.