The governance of Britain

By Great Britain: Ministry of Justice

The governance of Britain
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This Command Paper is part of a series of documents looking at constitutional and electoral issues whose objectives and aims are set out in the original Green Paper (Cm. 7170 - The Governance of Britain, ISBN 978010171021). This Paper is divided into seven chapters with annexes, and sets out a review of the voting systems, with the chapters covering the following topics: an introduction to the subject; a summary of electoral systems operating in the UK; some arguments for and against different voting systems; the new voting systems and the experience since 1997; an assessment of the experience and a comparison with the international experience of voting systems. The publication draws information from previous reviews of voting systems, academic papers, books and other resources up to the end of October 2007. It takes account of the experiences of the new voting systems in the UK, for the Scottish Parliament, the Welsh Assembly, the Northern Ireland Assembly, the London Assembly, the London Mayor and the European Parliament.

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