Otology & Middle Ear Surgery is a comprehensive guide to the surgical treatment of a range of otological conditions.
The book is divided into 23 chapters, beginning with anatomy of the ear, the physiology of hearing, audiology, hearing loss, the physiology of balance and vestibular function tests. Further chapters provide step by step surgical procedures for the ear canal, otitis media, tinnitus, vertigo, and Meniere’s disease.
Otology & Middle Ear Surgery provides up to date information on the latest technology in the rapidly developing field of audiology, including cochlear implant technology, radiology of the ear, hearing aids, auditory brainstem implants and assisted listening devices. Concluding chapters cover bacterial biofilm infection in otology, anaesthesia, superior canal dehiscence surgery, and a final chapter on middle ear surgery.
With over 160 full colour images, illustrations and information tables, Otology & Middle Ear Surgery is an essential resource for otolaryngologists, ENT surgeons and residents.
Key Points