Viewing our society from a conflict perspective.
Taking a conflict approach, Social Problems, 13e examines social problems, how they are interrelated to other problems, and society’s role in their creation and perpetuation. This textaddresses interesting subjects, such as corporate crime, urban decay, poverty and the changing economy.
The thirteenth edition focuses more deliberately on five major themes: the structural sources of social problems; the role of the United States in global social problems; the centrality of class, race, gender, sexuality, and disability as sources of division, inequality, and injustice; the critical examination of society; and solutions to social problems.
MySocLab is an integral part of the Eitzan / Zinn / Smith program. Key learning applications include MySocLab Videos, Social Explorer and Sociology in Focus Blog.
This text is available in a variety of formats – digital and print. Pearson offers its titles on the devices students love through Pearson’s MyLab products, CourseSmart, Amazon, and more.
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