The Teacher-Writer

By Christine M. Dawson

The Teacher-Writer
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The Teacher-Writer shows how teachers can pursue and sustain personally and professionally worthwhile writing practices, even amidst the many demands associated with teaching. It meets teachers wherever they are—as novice teachers just beginning to pursue writing, as teachers emerging from a professional development experience, or as accomplished writers seeking to further their craft. Chapter by chapter, the book provides strategies to help teachers get started on projects, build energy for writing, overcome obstacles of limited time, create support systems using online technologies, and develop coherence across their writing lives. The text includes useful writing group routines, questions for framing collaborative inquiry, methods for adapting writing communities to online settings, and rich examples of conversations and texts shared in actual teacher writing group meetings.

Book Features:

  • Focuses on teacher-writers and their actual experiences working together in a writing group, including benefits and challenges.
  • Includes vignettes taken from writing group meetings that demonstrate the variety of ways teachers may participate and engage in writing.
  • Offers practical suggestions for teachers seeking to form writing groups, including plans for online groups.
  • Shares strategies to help teacher-writers expand their concepts of writing to include everything from exploratory texts to professional and academic writing.

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