Hitler's Occult War

By Michael FitzGerald

Hitler's Occult War
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Every dictatorship requires a justification, either historical or moral, and Hitler rooted his in antiscientific mumbo-jumbo, Wagnerian legend, and Satanism. This chilling investigation reveals that Hitler consulted Nostradamus before making key military decisions; that the Thulists, a sect that practiced human sacrifice and sexual perversions, founded the German Workers Party; and that black masses were conducted for elite SS corps at a "Black Camelot" in Wewelsberg. The Nazis even had their own occult bureau, the Ahnenerbe, whose research into bizarre cosmological theory, astrology, and UFOs exhausted more funds than America’s atom bomb. Against this powerful armory of evil, Stalin and Churchill employed psychic advisors, the latter even holding high-level talks with Aleister Crowley. White witches attempted to thwart "Operation Sealion" (Hitler’s planned invasion) through coven rituals. In the United States, research into mind control was vigorously pursued, and the government, in a shadowy affair known as the Philadelphia Experiment, attempted to dematerialize one of their own submarines. Going behind the war’s public events reveals a hidden agenda of psychic conflict, fought at the highest level.

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