The Wahhabi sect maintains that repairing graves, constructing buildings and domes on them, and plastering them is prohibited. They also label such acts, polytheism and blasphemy. Moreover they hold that, destroying the graves, the domes on top of graves and buildings situated around them, is obligatory. The following are examples of their rulings:
1. San’ānī states: “The hall of audience (haram) is the same as an idol. This is because the quburīyun[1] carry out the same acts that the people during the Age of Ignorance (Jahilliyah period) carried out for their idols. They (quburīyun) carry out these acts for places they have named grave or the mashhad[2] of a walī[3]. In any case they are the same acts that the people of the Age of Ignorance used to carry out but with a different name. However, it does not stop becoming an idol if the term changes!”[4]
2. Ibn Qayyim (Ibn Taymiyyah’s student) asserts: “Buildings on graves are taken to be idols and are worshipped. Destroying them is obligatory. In addition, if one has the power to destroy them, then allowing them to stay in the same form - for even one day - is not permissible....