The hosting of sports events - whether large international events, or smaller niche interest events - has huge and long-lasting impacts on the local environment, economy and industry. Strategic Sports Event Management: Olympic Edition provides students and event managers with an insight into the strategic management of sports events of all scales and nature. The framework offers a planning process that can be used to understand the importance of a strategic approach, and shows how to implement strategies that can achieve successful sports events over the short and long-term.
The text uses international case studies throughout to offer real-world insight in both larger and smaller events. Plus, in this new Olympic edition, a case study from the Beijing Olympiad is included in each chapter. Through this topical and timely addition to the text, we can understand the lessons to be learned by events mangers of events of all sizes. Written by an experienced author and using first-hand research the text looks at:
Strategic Sports Event Management: Olympic Edition builds on the substantial success of the first edition and is vital reading for students and practitioners alike.