Part - A Statistics For Economics
UNIT - I Introduction
1.What id Economics, 2. Statistics Meaning, Scope and Importance,
UNIT - II Collection, Organisation and Presentation of Data
3. Collection of Data : Primary and Secomdary Data, 4. Methods of Data Collection : Census and Sampling Methods, 5. Some Inportant Sources of Secondary Data : Census and N.S.S.O., 6. Organization of Data Classfication, 7. Pressentation of Data : Tables, 8. Diagrammatic Presentation of Data, 9.Graphic (Time Series and Frequency Distribution) Presentation of Data,
UNIT _ III Statistical Tools And Interpretation
10. Measures of Contral Tendancy : Arithmatics Average, 11. Measures of Central Tendancy : Median and Mode, 12.Measures of Dispersion, 13. Correlation, 14. Index Number, 15. Some Mathematical Tools Used in Economics : Slole of a Line, Slope of a Curve and Equation of a Line,
UNIT - IV Developing Projects in Economics
16. Formation of Project in Economics,
Part B : Indian Economic Development
UNIT - V Development Experience , (1947-90) and Economic Reform Since 1991
1. State of Indain Economy on The Eve of Independence, 2. Common Goal of Five Year Plans in India, 3. Agriculture - Feature, Problems and Policies, 4. Industries : Features, Problems & Policies (Industrial Licensing etc), 5. Foreign Trade of India - feature, Problems and Policies,
UNIT - VI Economic Reforms Since 1991
6. Economic Reforms in India - Liberalisation, Privatisayion and Globalisation (L.P.G.) Policies,
UNIT - VII Current Challenges Facing Indain Economy,
7. Proverty and Main Programmers of Poverty Alleviation, 8. Rural Development Key Issues, 9. Human Capital Formation, 10.Emloyment Growth Informalisation and Other Issue, 11. Inflation Problems and Policies, 12. Infrastructure Meaning and Type (Case Studies :Energy and Health), 13. Sustainable Economic Development and Environment,
UNIT VIII - Developmemnt Experience of India
14. Development Experience of India : A Comparison with Pakistan & China.
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