Renowned expert Harry Margolis shares his insight and experience in the
ElderLaw Forms Manual, to help you better represent your elderly client. This two volume looseleaf manual contains more than 100 key forms and documents to help you: Organize a high-volume
elder law practice Market your services to your clients Customize estate and Medicaid plans Provide the personalized service your clients deserve. These practice-tested forms are designed specifically for handling the special problems that arise in the representation of older clients. Each form is accompanied by practical, insightful commentary from Harry Margolis, telling you when and how each should be used. Many documents include a range of alternative clauses for common and not-so-common situations. The 20 chapters are organized into five parts: Managing the
Elder Law Practice Estate and
Long-Term Care Planning Powers of Attorney, Medical Directives and Wills Trusts Miscellaneous.
ElderLaw Forms Manual saves hours of research and drafting time, simplifies information gathering, and gives you a competitive edge in this growing practice area. All the forms are included on an accompanying CD-ROM.
ElderLaw Forms Manual is featured in Elder Law Library on IntelliConnect and coming soon to Cheetah.