Organized into three sections--Who I Am; My Social Self; and Toward a Future Vision--Parker seeks new and diverse perspectives from the young people sharing their voices and experiences in each chapter. Chapters begin with a description from adolescents, in their own words, of the music they make, the meanings they ascribe to their music-making, and contributions to their development. The voices highlighted in these chapters come from adolescent solo musicians, autonomous and vernacular players, composers, school and community music-makers, and listeners between the ages of 12-20. By familiarizing readers with the multiplicity of adolescent music-making experiences and perspectives; discussing relevant theories within and outside of music and music education that support adolescent musical and personal growth; promoting adolescent health and well-being and greater understanding of young people; and providing a common language toward advocacy for adolescent music-making, Adolescents on Music serves as an invaluable resource for individual and group music teachers and practitioners, parents of adolescents, music mentors, and music education students.