He sold his soul for vengeance. Now, he must race to catch his betrayer before the darkness inside consumes him...
Janis risked his whole being to rescue his sister Renea from the men that butchered their family. He slaughtered a host of mercenaries, cultists, and demonic gods in his pursuit across the blasted Waste of Saurius.
Only to learn that she was the one who betrayed them.
Now, he and his young friend Ruck must race to catch her before the demon consumes him. She's fled to Qestis, an ancient city ruled by a mysterious cabal of wizards called The Circle. A place where dark magic is the norm and treachery the coin of the realm.
As he races to catch her before she can flee the continent, he learns that his old master has been murdered. Worse yet, the Guard believes Ruck to be the culprit and plans to execute him if Janis can’t find the real killer.
Does he abandon his search to save his young friend, or continue his pursuit of the person who betrayed his family? Who can he trust to help him in a city like Qestis?
As he descends into Qestis’s underbelly looking for answers, he’ll discover that Renea's conspiracy is more ambitious than he’d ever imagined...