STRIVE for Greatness

By Nigel L. Walker

STRIVE for Greatness
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Each day millions seek to emulate, keep abreast, and learn more about what makes certain people stand out and be successful. With focus and self determination, one can learn to stand out, and strive for their own greatness. S.T.R.I.V.E is comparable to intricate instruction on creating a rare and timely self-guided pathway to reaching your optimum goals in life.

A compelling and accomplished educator and writer. Dr. Nigel Walker has pooled his life experiences, resourcefulness and shared a plan, researching means to set achievable goals. He personally focused, dug in his heels, sacrificed, and emerged with an infallible plan that urges and coaches you to"reach beyond your grasp". He reflects on three three distinct time periods that were impactful and motivating. He confirms his belief that "education is a great equalizer..."

Dr. Nigel Walker is an exceptional educator, motivator, writer and leader, withstanding the challenges of 2020 he provides steps of enfranchising and self empowerment. Following his principles one is bound to reach their zenith with excellence. " We must be motivated in our own image." S.T.R.I.V.E encourages that motivation.

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