Are you tired of mediocrity in your Christian life? Are you over society's moral decline in the name of "woke"? Looking for answers? In Fearless, you'll get the truth-God's Word-and the Rock upon which you can build your future. You'll be encouraged, strengthened, and pointed to the only source that IS truth-the Bible.Over 100 times in Scripture, we're told "do not fear" or "do not be afraid." Because that is such a prominent theme, it must be important to God. Why then, are so many living in fear? There's a high probability it's because they've lost their focus on things of God, and as a result, their peace. Today, the world can be a scary place. How does one reacquire one's peace? Fearless provides the answers from the heart of God Himself in His Word.In Fearless Mike has brought together 110 of his blog posts ranging over a multitude of subjects, but all with one purpose: to bring the reader to a decision point in their life. The Christian will benefit from reminders and encouragement to walk a circumspect life, grow in their faith, and "get off the bench" and into the game of sharing the Jesus of the Bible with those who haven't met Him yet. And those who don't know Jesus yet will be introduced in clear, understandable terms comparing the results of choosing Him or walking away. "Lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near " (Luke 21:28).