Daily Bible Study Summer 2018

By Lee Franklin, Randy Cross, Newman, Betty

Daily Bible Study Summer 2018
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Summer theme:
Justice in the New Testament
Matthew | Luke | 2 Corinthians | Colossians

This summer, Daily Bible Study presents a series of readings following the theme "Justice in the New Testament." Readings come from Old and New Testament texts. These daily readings, which prepare us for the 13 lessons in Adult Bible Studies, are written by Randy Cross, Betty Newman, and Clara Welch.

God Is Just and Merciful
Daily readings in this four-week unit focus on justice and sabbath laws, parables of God's just kingdom, Jesus' teachings about justice, and reaping God's justice.

Jesus Calls for Justice and Mercy
This five-week unit features readings related to forgiveness, Jesus'; criticism of unjust leaders, persistence in pursuing justice, entering God's kingdom, and God's invitation to everyone to "the Great Dinner."

Paul Teaches About New Life in Christ
The daily readings in this four-week unit explore what God's justice involves, how to pursue global economic justice, what loving and just behavior looks like, and how to practice justice.

This ongoing day-by-day Bible study series is presented in quarterly segments. Bible-based, Christ-focused, and United Methodist-approved, this resource helps individuals develop the discipline of studying the Bible every day. It coordinates with the lesson themes of Adult Bible Studies. Each lesson includes: a one-page Bible study for each day of the quarter, along with introductory reflection questions and Commentary on the daily Scripture passage, Life Application, and a concluding prayer. Available in print and eBook format.

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