Family Law for the Hong Kong SAR gives a succinct, clear and comprehensive account of modern family law and will be useful to both students and practitioners. This book incorporates recent developments in family law such as the Marriage and Children (Miscellaneous Amendments) Ordinance 1997, Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions and Minor Amendments) Ordinance 1997 and the Child Abduction and Custody Ordinance 1997.
Contents include: the old-style customary marriage, concubinage, modern marriage, and Christian marriage; nullity and divorce; legitimacy and illegitimacy; parentage; parental rights and authority; the welfare principle; custody on divorce; adoption; wardship; child abduction; maintenance during marriage; financial provision and property on divorce, and domestic violence.
Contents include: the old-style customary marriage, concubinage, modern marriage, and Christian marriage; nullity and divorce; legitimacy and illegitimacy; parentage; parental rights and authority; the welfare principle; custody on divorce; adoption; wardship; child abduction; maintenance during marriage; financial provision and property on divorce, and domestic violence.