Turn on fat-burning hormones with a special 1-day-per-week workout system and a controlled-calorie eating plan
Anyone who desperately wants to lose 10 to 50 or more pounds but just can’t find the time to exercise three, four, five times a week is going to love The Body-Fat Breakthrough. It requires is just one, 20-minute resistance training workout a week using negative (or eccentric) training, the little-known weightlifting technique used by bodybuilders to trigger fast muscle growth and burn more fat. Legendary fitness researcher Ellington Darden, PhD, put 115 overweight men and women on this workout program and achieved remarkable results, which are illustrated in the book through 20 inspiring before and after photographs. Many test subjects lost significant weight while gaining muscle. Some lost 30, 40, even more than 50 pounds in as many days and transformed their bodies and their health.
Negative training is just one of 10 "FAT BOMBs" demonstrated in the book. These action steps combine to produce fast body transformations. Other FAT BOMBs include: