Visiting the Prophet’s (s) grave
In the book, al-Jawhar al-Munddam, Qastalānī[1] and Ibn Hajar state that: “Ibn Taymiyyah forbids visiting the Prophet’s (s) grave, and further declares that whether one is travelling or not, Zīyārah (visiting) of the Messenger’s grave is prohibited.” Thus, if visiting the Prophet’s (s) grave is prohibited, then, a fortiori, so is visiting any other grave. Ibn Taymiyyah assumes that the prohibition of travelling for the sole reason of visiting the Prophet’s (s) grave is unanimously prohibited and prayers are not shortened on such a trip.
Rejection of Ibn Taymiyyah’s viewsZīyārah is lawful due to four reasons:
The Qur’ān:
God, glory be to His Greatness, states the following in the holy Qur’ān: “…And if, when they had wronged themselves, they had but come unto thee and asked forgiveness of Allah, and asked forgiveness of the messenger, they would have found Allah Forgiving, Merciful.”[2]
Whether one’s aim is to ask for forgiveness or any other reason, Zīyārah is a way of being present beside the deceased. When the excellence of such an act is proven during the life of the Prophet (s) then it is also established after his passing. This is because the holy Messenger (s) lives in barzakh and can hear the Salams of his visitor and is aware of his acts. ...