Can You Imagine a Thousand Years of Peace on Earth?
Our world longs for peace. For an end to wars and conflicts. Governments and leaders strive to achieve that peace through the United Nations and treaties, but none of their efforts have succeeded. However, a day is coming when the world will know peace for one thousand years. During this time, the Millennium, Jesus will reign on earth as King, and through His power, crime will be nonexistent, wars will cease, and worshipers will fill the church pews.
More passages of Scripture address the Millennium than any other prophetic event in the Bible, yet it's an event many Christians know very little about. In The Coming Golden Age Study Guide, Dr. David Jeremiah guides you on a fascinating tour through the various aspects that will define your life during this one-thousand-year reign of Christ. You will learn about Jesus' kingly reign on earth, the importance of Jerusalem in this event, the binding of Satan, how human lifespans will be extended, and how all wars will cease to exist.
Each lesson includes: