This extensively revised fourteenth edition incorporates the major changes to planning introduced by the 2004 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act and the government’s mission to change the culture of planning. It provides a critical discussion of the system of planning – the institutions involved, the plans and other instruments that are used, the procedures for controlling development and land use change, and the mechanisms for implementing policy and proposals. It reviews current policy for sustainable development, housing and the Sustainable Communities Plan, the Barker Review, urban renewal and regeneration, the renaissance of city and town centres, the countryside, transport, and the heritage. Contemporary arrangements are explained with reference to their historical development, the influence of the European Union, the Labour government and changing social and economic demands for land use change.
Detailed consideration is given to:
Special attention is given to the objective of improving the co-ordination of government policies through the spatial planning approach. The many recent changes to the system are explained in detail, and each chapter ends with notes on further reading, lists of official publications and an extensive bibliography, all of which enhances its reputation as the bible of British Planning.