This book introduces students with little or no background in applied research to a deeper understanding of the philosophies that underlie the methods researchers use to acquire, verify and validate information in applied research. It focuses on applied research as a service to a client with a problem that research can solve. It seeks to help students understand how they can apply research to their own businesses, or employ consultants to do the same in the knowledge that they can make informed decisions, emphasising the efficient use of research resources while trying to maximise the likelihood of providing a useful product.
Applied Business Research is aimed at improving students? understanding of the practical application of both qualitative and quantitative research methods. It provides a detailed examination of the different methodologies available, such as interviews, focus groups and questionnaires and how to select and apply these different techniques. It explores the various analytical approaches, including both constant comparative analysis and statistics. Above all, it details the full research cycle, from the research catalyst and definition of research objectives to the management of the research project and the writing of the final report. The book emphasises a practical orientation, focusing on the development of research questions and the use of research methods for effective decision making in business.
SPECIFIC TO AUSTRALIAN EDITION - Retains the strong theoretical framework of Uma Sekaran's Research Methods for Business with regard to the full research cycle
- Emphasises both qualitative and quantitative research methods
- Guides students through the various processes in the nine stages in the research cycle
- Expands the discussion of other research methods, such as laboratory experimentation and case study analysis
- Includes new material on managing a research project, covering issues such as topic analysis, client brief, guidelines for managing the process and putting together a proposal
- Offers broader coverage of the outcomes of the research, covering evaluating the implications of the findings, writing a research report and presenting results to different clients
- Contains examples of Australian and New Zealand research projects.