Teaching Online

By Richard V. Ross

Teaching Online
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Find out how to apply learning science in online classes!

Online teaching is different in many ways, from teaching in a traditional classroom. With online teaching, you, as the teacher, are providing a very interactive instruction to your student. The instruction will need to be more interactive than in the traditional classroom. You have to always remember that you are not actually sitting next to the student in the same room but rather face to face on a computer.

With online teaching, the interaction must not be at a monotone voice level. Having a monotone voice will not keep the student active and interested. A great online teacher should have the following characteristics: Be happy! A student can sense if the teacher is not happy about the class or even seeing them; have special materials that allow the student to interact with the lesson; make sure to remember to change their voice tone up a little bit; ask a higher order thinking questions throughout the lesson.

This book includes:

  • Surface Backward Design
  • Guiding Learning Through Engagement
  • Using Media and Technology Tools
  • Building Community
  • Giving Feedback

A high level of interaction is often needed to maintain your student's attention and to just keep things flowing in your classroom. Often a teacher may interact with the student by having special props related to the lesson. Having props and lesson materials helps the student to be able to better connect with what you are teaching.

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