On the 8th November 1979, Monty Python's movie 'Life of Brian' was released to hymn-singing protestors, but went on to break box office records. Exactly 45 years later Julian Doyle the film's editor, threatens to re-ignite the furore. While the Python's treated Jesus with respect, the protestors missed the real reason the Pythons, should have been visited by the Spanish Inquisition and burnt at the stake.
Although the Python's were just out to make a comedy, and succeeded as it was voted Britain's top comedy of all time!
But because they are all well educated individuals they took events in the movie to their logical conclusions. And those conclusions are explosive! Even images, like putting skeleton's on crosses, undermines the Jesus story, where they make a cross, Jesus carries it to Golgotha, they dig a hole and nail him up, and after just a few hours, he drops dead, and is taken down. What an incredible waste of time and money to kill a criminal. The idea that every Sabbath, the Romans army took down Jewish criminals is absurd. No, put the criminal on show, to rot in agony till he is a skeleton, that makes total sense.
Worse still is the stoning scene. In the Bible Jesus is found guilty by the Jewish Council (the Sanhedrin) and sentenced to death. They then stone him and his body is hung on a tree as demanded by Deuteronomy 21:22.
Whoops! That is the story in two Jewish documents.(Talmud) No the Gospels say, they don't stone him? But take him to a reluctant Pilate who says:
"Take him and judge him by your own law, " (John 18:29)
Pilate is quite right, he is no judge of Jewish blasphemy laws. But look at the excuse the Chief Priests make:
But we have no right to execute anyone," (John 18:30)
What? If there was such a rule how come Pilate does not know about it? And if the Sanhedrin, did stone a blasphemer, what punishment would Pilate inflict? A good spanking!? But forget it, because straight after Jesus death, the Sanhedrin stone Stephen! 'The elders dragged Stephen out of the city, and began stoning him (Acts 7) Did anyone complain that the stoning in the movie was wrong? No of course not, because it is so obvious that stoning was not banned by the Romans.
So there is something strange about the crucifixion of Jesus, that we discovered when we tried to crucify the Pythons.
The movie has Brian in Jerusalem, and so is Jesus, curing lepers there. This is confirmed in John's Gospel that places Jesus in Jerusalem most of the time. BUT we are told Jesus functioned in Galilee and finds his first disciples, Peter and his brother Andrew by the sea of Galilee and they are fishermen who leave their employ on a whim. But this is totally contradicted by John 1:40, which says these same brothers, Peter and Andrew are followers of the Baptist who meet Jesus in Judea where they live. In 'Acts 10:39, Peter is actually reported as saying: 'Now I, and those with me, can witness to everything he did throughout the countryside of Judea and in Jerusalem itself.' Biblical expert, Professor Eisenman confirms: 'A great deal of trouble is taken by these writers to get Jesus to Galilee.' And the answer to all this becomes obvious once you study Brian's Life in the movie.
Every scene in the film reveals some tantalizing information to investigate, and it all began when Julian Doyle watched the Python's being crucified in Tunisia, and realized something was seriously wrong with the process. And so began the research that has resulted in this book, that only a very naughty boy, would have dared to write.
BEWARE of reviews by people who are not 'verified purchasers' or claim the book was a present. There is a definite attempt to stop the information coming out.