Family and Kinship in Chinese Society

By Ai-li S. Chin, Maurice Freedman, Joint Committee on Contemporary China. Subcommittee on Research on Chinese Society

Family and Kinship in Chinese Society
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Contents: Vol.1. The state of the art in demand and marketing research in fisheries and aquaculture -- The global market for fishmeal and oil: the 90's -- The global market for fresh/frozen fish products with emphasis on groundfish -- Prospects for trade with Eastern Europe and USSR -- The State of the art in economic analysis of fish resources management -- Workshop on international financing for fishery/aquaculture development projects -- Fish markets in Latin America -- World trade fishery products: trends and perspectives for the 90's -- The EEC markets: trends and perspectives after 1992 -- Vol.2. The operation of markets for individual transferable quoas: ideal vs. potential -- Estimating recreational demand and benefits from salmon and steelhead sport fishing in the central and northeast regions of Oregon -- The attempted rationalization of Canada's Pacific Salmon fishery: analysis of failure -- Marine fisheries development in Sudan: macro and micro economic constraint on post - 1975 development programmes -- Between the devil and the deep blue sea: the Finnish price subsidies for herring -- Some European observations on individual boat quotas -- Changes of the local consumption characteristics of fishery products in Japan -- Long-run tendencies of the French consumer behavior: the consequences for the fish market -- Production technology and costs in the Norwegian groundish processing industry -- Market power and small-scale fishermen exploitation: the case of the "Suki" relationship in the Philippines -- Marketing of giant clam products -- Alternative management regimes and schemes -- Skipper's motivation survey: the determinants of supply -- Decision rules, diplomatic icebergs and Antarctic fisheries (Mis-) management: would transferrable quotas help? -- French fisheries regulations schemes in the EC's context: toward fisheries adaptive management -- The U.S. consumer retail demand for fish products: application of the Almos ideal demand system -- The role of inventories in the Japanese Salmon market -- Is poverty infishing communities a matter of tragedy or choice? -- A disequilibrium approach to delineating the long run market demand for fresh salmon -- Analysis of the Norwegian Salmon aquaculture long run average cost function estimated by Salvanes, in 1988.

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