The Biology of Science Fiction Cinema, 2d ed.

By Mark C. Glassy

The Biology of Science Fiction Cinema, 2d ed.
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Science fiction cinema has dramatically affected the perception of science by the general population. If science fiction and actual science sometimes seem at odds, they importantly share the elements of curiosity, creativity and imagination--and there are many examples of yesterday's science fiction becoming today's science.

This book explores the imaginative elements of biology seen in 20th century science fiction films. Written by a professional scientist and science fiction lover, this second edition includes recent updates of biomedical science and science fiction cinema. It covers different categories of biology, biochemistry (or molecular biology), and medicine, each subcategorized into chapters such as cell biology, hematology, and dermatology. Within each chapter are several film examples explaining the biological sciences principles involved, what is right and what is wrong with the science, and what changes could be made for the science of the film to become a reality.

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