"A useful book for those who want to find balance in their lives and add a dimension of spirituality to their leadership."
—Kenneth Killian, Assistant Professor
Vanguard University of Southern California
"The information is approachable, nonthreatening, and personal. The authors discuss their own past roles as educational leaders, providing instant credibility."
—Jennifer Baadsgaard, Assistant Principal
Roosevelt High School, San Antonio, TX
Revitalize your leadership and help shape a better future for the students you serve!
This fourth volume of The Soul of Educational Leadership series offers key strategies for identifying the moral and ethical dimensions of school leadership practice. With thought-provoking contributions from top leadership figures like Terrence E. Deal, Dawna Markova, and Scott Thompson, this enlightening resource combines research with innovative ideas for practice and emphasizes:
Spirituality in Educational Leadership helps educators align everyday practice with core values in ways that will make a significant difference in their professional and personal lives.