Now in its second edition, Public Health: An Introduction to the Science and Practice of Population Health is expanded in both scope and depth of content to better aid students who are launching their public health studies and preparing for professions in the field. This edition features a greater emphasis on the social determinants of health, health equity, prevention of disease and disability, and the practice of public health.
Public Health explores both historical public health issues and contemporary public health challenges—including environmental justice, food deserts, climate change, and COVID-19—through the social ecological lens and with a life course perspective. In addition to establishing a solid knowledge base on the foundations, functions, and core values of public health, the book presents an engaging survey of the social ecological framework and of the demographic factors affecting health at different life stages. The methods of public health, including analytic approaches, systems thinking, implementation science, community engagement, and advocacy are examined, helping students understand the structural underpinnings of population health. Written by leading public health educators, and containing engaging case studies including unique Case Study Podcasts, illustrations, real-world examples, and discussion questions, every chapter analyzes systemic public health issues and the workforce roles driving and implementing public health initiatives and programs in practice.
Key Features: