This leading text gives a comprehensive and detailed examination of the law of evidence in the broadest of civil and criminal contexts. The emphasis is upon rigorous examination of the issues affecting all who work with the law of evidence whether in court, chamber practice or legal education.
The sixth edition has been updated to reflect recent case law and the latest developments in practice including:
- The Victims, Witnesses and Justice Reform (Scotland) Bill, currently before the Scottish Parliament, which will reform the law on special measures in civil cases and create a new sexual offences court
- Ongoing significant developments in the law of corroboration by distress, where the High Court has recently heard arguments in Lord Advocate's Reference (No 1 of 2023) and is likely to reshape the law in its decision
- Ongoing significant developments in the Moorov doctrine, including the decision in Duthie v HM Advocate 2021
- Legal Professional Privilege and purported statutory overides, as in Scottish Legal Complaints Commission v Murray & McCusker 2022