Clinical Procedures for Medical Assistants

By Kathy Bonewit-West

Clinical Procedures for Medical Assistants
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Encompassing all of the back office, hands-on concepts and skills that medical assistants need to know, this popular, in-depth resource of clinical procedures covers essential topics such as taking vital signs and lab specimens, processing lab specimens, as well as preparing patients for examinations, surgeries, and other office treatments and procedures. The book's current, expert, accessible coverage addresses all aspects of back office duties, with certain transdisciplinary themes (legal/ethical, patient education, documentation) woven throughout the chapters where appropriate. This edition continues to feature profiles of real medical assistants who are currently practicing in the clinical area, sharing their most memorable or influential on-the-job experiences. Instructor resources are available; please contact your Elsevier sales representative for details.
  • Expert reputation of both the text and author Kathy Bonewit-West reassures readers that all information is accurate and follows the national curriculum guidelines.
  • Medical assistant profiles provide unique and memorable biographical profiles of real-life MAs sharing their fears, likes, hopes, and aspirations, designed to help readers connect with their future career goals in a concrete way.
  • End-of-chapter procedures with steps, rationales, and charting examples clearly show how a particular procedure would be documented in the medical record.
  • Patient Teaching boxes present patient education in the context of the medical assistant's role, making it more immediate and relevant.
  • Terminology Review boxes identify key terms for a valuable terminology overview in each chapter.
  • Certification Review boxes provide a bulleted summary review of important points to know after each chapter that may be covered in the medical assisting certification exam.
  • Medical Practice and the Law boxes describe legal issues that are important for medical assistants to understand.
  • On the Web boxes list websites for further student study and research relevant to each chapter.
  • Reorganized table of contents presents a more logical progression of material, beginning with the medical record and followed by medical asepsis and sterilization and disinfection so readers have the foundation of basic clinical knowledge before delving into more complicated procedural concepts.
  • Apply Your Knowledge sections offer case-based, multiple-choice questions at the end of each chapter to help strengthen critical thinking and application skills.A table correlating Cognitive Learning Objectives with Performance Skills Learning Objectives clearly identifies the cognitive basis for each clinical skill.
  • The Administration of Medication chapter has been extensively revised to include the most current and commonly used drugs, exposing readers to medication names most likely encountered in the medical office.
  • What Would You Do? What Would You Not Do? case study boxes and responses profile real-world cases throughout the chapter.
  • English-to-Spanish medical terms appendix covers glossary terms used by medical assistants when interacting with Spanish-speaking patients.

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