Mother with Child
This book is written for all Parents
expecting their miraculous Gift from God.
Each little one is a uniquely precious inspiration of Gods
love that has taken form in flesh - with a soul perfectly
formed by God. That soul is the mark of the Creator
and our connection to the Blessed Trinity.
Your Baby is not just a Gift to hold and nurture;
this little one is - and holds - the spark of God within.
This child has a soul that will live forever
an eternal connection to God!
The goal of this book is to inspire Parents
to grow in faith, hope, and love as they await
the birth of their child. Through Holy Scripture,
God builds us up in what we need. All parents need to be
encouraged, strengthened, and equipped so as to impart these
treasures of truth and wisdom to their children. Then each
generation will grow deeper in faith, character, and in Gods virtues.
The intent and design of the book is to reach two audiences:
To encourage those that recognize the Gift of Life that they have been given,
to grow deeper in Gods wisdom so as to impart His knowledge to the next generation.
In addition, this book was equally written for those that may feel lost, where life seems
to just be a whirl of confusion and despair. Hope still pervades, and God always inspires
us to seek His Truth. Both situations must be addressed, since the same Lord made all
of us and He loves each one of us. God always has the perfect solution to repair
and to build us UP. Do all in love, I Corinthians 16:14.
This unique and inspirational book provides Scriptural
encouragement to mothers during their nine months of pregnancy.
At a time when a woman really needs encouragement,
the Mother with Child book provides unparalleled support.
This perfect gift for an expectant mother cannot be
highly recommended enough.
Steve Wood, Family Life Center International
Host of EWTNs Carpenters Shop