Geospace Mass and Energy Flow

By James L. Horwitz, Dennis L. Gallagher, William K. Peterson

Geospace Mass and Energy Flow
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Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 104.

The International Solar-Terrestrial Program (ISTP) was conceived by the space agencies of numerous countries as a coordinated effort to determine the global flow of mass, energy and momentum through the solar-terrestrial system. The physical region of interest extends from the Sun through the solar wind, to the terrestrial magnetosphere, down to the ionosphere, with the principal focus on the magnetosphere and its coupling with the solar wind and ionosphere. With the launch of NASA's POLAR spacecraft in February 1996, the major elements of the ISTP program were in place. This volume is one of the very first compendiums of both new observations and new modeling results either directly or indirectly deriving from this major ISTP undertaking.