Coffee with John Heartbreak

By Dan Krotz

Coffee with John Heartbreak
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Can a serial killer come to Jesus and find true love and happiness in Berryville, Arkansas? Will John Heartbreak disappear and will anyone care if he does? Will Berryville ever spruce up its East German Communist Party influenced Public Square fountains?

More to the point, can Heartbreak's Pretty Good Books and Really Dreadful Coffee survive by selling dollar books to tight-fisted Lutherans from Iowa? Or, will John, and Clara Jane "Smith" who is hiding out from the FBI in Berryville, succeed in their aim to reform the Iowans and pry a few bucks out of their corn subsidy welfare checks?

Yup. This book has plenty of questions. And the answer is, of course, 42. But don't blame me. It's all Douglas Adams' fault because as you all realize, 42 is the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything.

So, read the book. When it's all over you'll know why Unitarians are the way they are, why it's premature to discredit Chaos Theory, and why Mrs. Heartbreak is trying to convince everyone that John is a ventriloquist.

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