Jacaranda Primary Atlas 3E Teacher Resource Kit

By Jacaranda Staff, John Andrews

Jacaranda Primary Atlas 3E Teacher Resource Kit
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The Jacaranda Primary Atlas Third EditionTeacher Resource Kit provides a total support packagefor teachers.


  • The Strategiesand Activity Book contains professional-developmentmaterials, teaching and learning strategies, and practical yetchallenging student activities that can effectively integrate theuse of the atlas across the curriculum.
  • The CD-ROM contains maps andeducational artwork from the atlas for use by teachers who wish toproduce learning materials and in-class/whiteboard presentations;activity sheets from the Strategies and ActivitiesBook; and the Jacaranda Interactive Atlas,with search facilities for over 10,000 locations, plus scale andmapmaker tools for creating maps.
  • Four A1-sizedwall maps and a poster of the Galaxy Theme Park from theJacaranda PrimaryAtlas provide useful classroom references for individual,small-group and whole-class discussions andinvestigations.
  • A DVDincludes video lessons of teachers demonstrating best-practice useof the atlas. These segments can be used by teams planning theirprograms or by individual teachers. Text and audio commentary foreach video lesson is also included, highlighting key points andtechniques.
  • Teacher websiteregistration comes with the purchase of this kit,providing teachers with downloadable maps, illustrations,additional video lessons and activity sheets.

Click HERE to view the more information onthe Jacaranda Primary Atlas3E.

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