Conscious Revolution

By Ascended Master Djehuty, Tom Jacobs

Conscious Revolution
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"I seek to connect you to your Divinity - this is one of my commitments. It is a task that suits the baseline commitment that I have made, which is to support the unfolding, completion, and perfection of the Divine Plan. ... [As] I seek to connect you to soul, I seek to connect you to each and every part of you that exists, whether [these parts] exist in closets and attics and basements or in other lives associated with your soul lived along the Earth timeline. It is time that you become whole. It is time that the next phase in the unfolding of the Divine Plan be achieved." - Ascended Master Djehuty In this fourth volume, Tom Jacobs channels the Ascended Master Djehuty, who offers us crucial information in five areas as we prepare for the coming shift in consciousness: Intuition, Spirit Guides, Manifestation and Creation, Past Lives and Present Lives, and Fear and Faith. Within these pages, this Ascended Master explains the concept of "soul" and how we can attune and adapt to multiple realities as we shift into becoming multidimensional beings. He explains that by changing our orientation to the multiple parts of ourselves and the processes of life, we have the ability to revolutionize human consciousness and step into the next stage of human evolution - the invitation offered by the end of the Mayan Calendar. Djehuty does not offer any doomsday scenario regarding 2012, here; instead, he seeks to remind us that we are powerful, Divine, creative beings who are responsible for every manifestation of our lives. His teachings offered in this latest volume are truly foundational to where we, as a species, are headed.

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