Put Your Corporate Social Responsibility Act Together!

By Mark Esposito

Put Your Corporate Social Responsibility Act Together!
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'Companies still thinking about the environment as a social responsibility rather than a business imperative are living in the dark ages.' -Carter Rogers In assessing the economic, human, and environmental situation of our world today, this report draws worrying conclusions. Poverty remains a major issue, and the gap between the richest and the poorest is widening. Some people still do not possess the basic requirements to live a decent and safe human life. Our footprint increasingly shatters the earth's equilibriums, causing pollution, species extinction, and global warming, and it has adverse effects on extreme weather events. These events necessitate the development of a conscience among the world's corporations and immediate serious action towards improving the situation. Put Your Corporate Social Responsibility Act Together, by Dr. Mark Esposito, explores ways in which corporations can increase employee satisfaction, decrease their carbon footprint, and maintain good business practices while reaping the continued benefits of yearly revenue. With examples of successful Corporate Social Responsibility and analyses of the current economic and environmental climate, this book is the perfect resource for any company hoping to improve its impact on both the globe and the community. Mark Esposito, Ph.D., is a renowned specialist in Organizational Management and Sustainability. He serves as an Associate Professor of Management & Behavior for the Grenoble School of Management in France, and an advisor to the UNESCO and Research Fellow for the UN Global Compact. A citizen of the world, he speaks seven languages and lives between Switzerland, France, USA and Panama.

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