The Great Revolt Vs. the Little Way of the Child Jesus

By John Joseph Marie

The Great Revolt Vs. the Little Way of the Child Jesus
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The Great Revolt Vs. The Little Way of The Child Jesus is a work of traditional Catholic apologetic's. The author John Joseph Marie challenges readers of all faiths as well as atheists and agnostics to think about what is truly valuable in life. The Great Revolt in 2 Thess. 2:3 is claimed by the author to have begun with Martin Luther in 1517 along with the Reformation. With this in mind the three principle doctrines of "Faith alone" "Bible alone" and "the Priesthood of the believer" are debated. Also the modern philosophy that has developed through these three doctrines are challenged. The second step to this revolt is said to have developed primarily from those three principles of Luther into masonic principles of the Freemasons. The French revolution and the principles developed through it have played a big part in our modern world today evolving it into a republic or democracy. With the acceptance of the principles of the French Revolution within the Catholic Church the third step of the Great Revolt is said to have been the "enlightenment" within the Catholic Church. At the start of the Vatican II Council in 1962 the Magisterium of the Catholic Church has accepted these modern principles into the Catholic faith in an attempt to adapt the Church to the modern world. The next step to this Revolt is said to be an adaption from Capitalism to Socialism. This then becomes debatable if America and other countries with similar principles of the U.S. are not alert in defending their founding principles then our freedom could be in jeopardy. All of this Great Revolt is preparing the world for the final step in a conspiracy of a one world Government/ religion. All of this is said to be rooted in modern philosophy which will lead mankind to the antichrist and his appointed time on earth. This book encourages readers to accept what they can from the book or to debate their own views. The author promotes religious freedom in expressing his own traditional Catholic view on religion, morals and the dogmas of the Catholic faith. His intent is to defend the Catholic faith through proclaiming Catholic morals and debating opposing views. The Authenticity of his work is backed up with scripture and abiding in the doctrines of the Catholic faith. Also he attempts to reveal the secret mysteries hidden within scripture. This revelation unveils the true values, morals, dogmas of the word of God flowing from abiding and growing in the word, His Church and the commandments of love of God and neighbor. The hidden mysteries of the word in the beginning of the end times in the book of Daniel and the Apocalypse are unveiled in the book. They are said to come to fulfillment in the near future when God wills it. After this book the reader will be challenged to accept what they can of the book or go their own way. It is a work of defense of freedom of religion as the author expresses his narrow view claiming to be abiding in the word, his Church, and the commandments of love. No group or individual is discriminated against. Rather the many views or ideas of certain topics are put into question while the narrow way is expressed. A free debate with the intent to respect all opposing groups or individuals with their free will to believe and express their beliefs as they will. Respecting one another and their freedom regardless if they differ from ones views is the middle ground.

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