Scientific Charge-coupled Devices

By James R. Janesick

Scientific Charge-coupled Devices
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The charge-coupled device (CCD) has recently celebrated its 30th birthday. The remarkable invention of Boyle and Smith of Bell Labs has dramatically changed the course of imaging in disciplines ranging from astronomy to biotechnology. James R. Janesick, an early proponent of the Scientific CCD, presents a careful and comprehensive history, tutorial and state-of-the-art description of the CCD. The book provides valuable reference information to scientists, engineers and hardware managers involved with imaging CCDs and high-performance camera systems, as well as those who need a comprehensive introduction to the subject. "Charge-Coupled Devices" is both a history of this development and a comprehensive reference manual on CCD and camera design, fabrication, operation, characterization and optimization. The key processes of CCD operation - charge collection, charge transfer and charge measurement - are described physically and illustrated by experimental data. Standards for characterizing and optimizing CCDs are presented in detail and the ultimate physical limitations on performance parameters discussed. Worked examples throughout provide valuable tutorials, and give the reader an appreciation for the level of performance that is being achieved by today's CCDs.