Now in its fourth edition, this superb text continues to provide step-by-step guidelines for patient diagnosis and treatment, as well as remaining an excellent foundation for the concept of occlusion and how it affects the temporomandibular joint. Its four parts correspond logically to the four-year dental curriculum, leading readers through clear explanations of jaw anatomy and function; tooth morphology; diagnosis, treatment, and management of TMJ disorders; the physical exam, and much more. Case reports accompany each major treatment chapter to make treatment principles more relevant to student and practitioner alike.
Clear presentation of etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of TMJ disorders, simplifying a complex problem with anatomic and functional basics. Comprehensive description of physical examination of the masticatory system, an invaluable aid for the student or practitioner beginning to diagnose TMJ disorders. Specific treatment techniques are discussed, such as using muscle relaxants and bite plates. Treatment flow sheets (algorithms) are included for each major TMJ disorder, helping to clarify the decision-making process in diagnosis and treatment.