In Dennis' new book, The Magic of the Avelinos: the book moves beyond the general trend of localized studies, and looks at the whole region known as the Mantaro Valley, its Valley's people, its food, customs, and archeological sites. The author touches upon many important aspects of culture, and leaves open paths for future research and local character.
The Mantaro Valley is presented as a region with a unique history that has allowed its inhabitants to get involved with its dynamic regional identity; in poetic form, the author uses creative ways, mixes culture with identity.
Several of the poems deal with the Avelinos' Annual Festival, held in San Jeronimo de Tunan.
Rosa Peñaloza
"I want to take this opportunity to thank the Los Andes Peruvian University (along with: Adelmo Huamani and Antonio Castillo) in Huancayo, Peru, for their outstanding work in promoting the Culture and Education of Peru, especially that of the Mantaro Valley region." [Spanish Versión: "Quiero aprovechar esta oportunidad para agradecer a la Universidad Peruana Los Andes (también a Adelmo Huamani y Antonio Castillo) en Huancayo, Perú, por su trabajo excepcional en promover la Cultura y Educación Peruana, sobre todo en la región del Valle del Mantaro".]
Dennis Siluk