Go, Girl, Go!

By Carol S. Hackett

Go, Girl, Go!
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"Go, Girl, Go" is the story of the physical, mental, and spiritual challenges Carol faced in her loneliness and anguish following the death of her husband. But we cannot remain in the Valley of the Shadow of Death. This is an inspirational writing and a practical book of how to cope and handle the realities of daily living during the depths of grief when neither the body nor the mind are functioning normally. Carol's inconsolable sorrow was born out of a loving marriage of faithfulness, forgiveness, joys and struggles.

It is our desire that this book will provide help for others who are not sure "which way to turn" following the loss of their loved one: From the "how to" of finances to the various avenues of the healing process through which one becomes whole again.

This small book is a delightfully hopeful and helpful writing from one woman's heart to the hearts of so many others who have to learn to function in the world alone.

Carol writes in the early months of grieving, I would sit down in a chair and stare into the nothingness that had enveloped my life. Who knows how many wasted minutes I sat, lonely and afraid, staring into the emptiness of the space that had been our home. The Holy Spirit began to speak gently to my heart and brought to my mind verses from the Bible that I had hid in my heart. The Bible instructs us to hide the Word in your heart. I might still be sitting and staring into nothingness were it not for the admonition of the Lord: "What are you doing here, Elijah? GET UP AND GO, and STAND ON THE MOUNTAIN BEFORE THE LORD YOUR GOD."

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