Book 1

By Ron Brown

Book 1
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★★★ Reader Feedback: Five Stars. Awesome book! - Alison Thompson

● Candles is Book 1 of The Non-Electric Lighting Series. The series is aimed at people who want to survive whatever it is that Mother Nature throws at us - blizzards, blackouts, or Carrington events.

● Candles shows how to make tea candles and jar candles and taper candles as simply as possible. The goal is to have useful light. Decorative value, aromatherapy, and ambiance are not considerations.

● This book is unique in that it shows several ways to improvise candles. Some designs work well (canning-wax candles, for example). Other designs work poorly and are - IMHO - a waste of time and resources (Crisco candles). And some designs, although touted on YouTube and similar, are outright dangerous (crayon candles, ChapStick candles, etc.). Stuff we should all really understand.

★★★ Reader Feedback: Not totally exhaustive on everything candles, but pretty darn close. Read it in one night easy. - Clem Morten

● Candles contains 13,000 words, 109 color illustrations, and is 81 pages long. It's available in Kindle eBook format as well as paper.

● This is an 8-book series. The quickest way to see the other titles is [1] to click on the Follow the Author link elsewhere on this page. Or [2] if you're not in Amazon as you read this, copy-and-paste "the non-electric lighting series" (including the quote marks) into the Google search bar. You'll be so glad you did.

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