Rightly Divided

By Roy B. Zuck

Rightly Divided
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"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."--2 Timothy 2:15 (NKJV)

Everyone who studies and teaches the Bible has a responsibility to accurately interpret and communicate God's message. Understanding the principles of sound interpretation, therefore, is of vital importance. Pastors, Bible teachers, and anyone who studies the Scriptures will appreciate the helpful guidance of this collection of scholarship. Rightly Divided brings together the insights of twenty-one experienced Bible scholars in the field of hermeneutics, providing a basic overview of hermeneutics and also addressing specific issues of interpretation. Included are chapters by:
Darrell L. Bock--"Evangelicals and the Use of the Old Testament in the New"
G. B. Caird--"Ambiguity in the Bible"
Norman Geisler--"The Relation of Purpose and Meaning in Interpreting Scripture"
Walter C. Kaiser Jr.--"Issues in Contemporary Hermeneutics"
I. Howard Marshall--"The Holy Spirit and the Interpretation of Scripture"
J. Robertson McQuilken--"Identifying the Audience God Intended"
Bernard Ramm--"The Devotional and Practical Use of the Bible"
Roy B. Zuck--"The What and Why of Bible Interpretation"

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