Human nature, that is, the material from which the characters and personalities are formed, is like a strange algorithm that is created. This algorithm is based on equations and produces a missing value by making continuous operations. Regardless, which equation is equated in whatever way, the next equation is always rearranged by a minus.
Let me give an example of this; X+3+4: 11, let's say 4: family, 3: work, and let's assume that these two values are exactly what the person wants. In other words, the person takes these two values as the basic value, keeping them constant without disturbing it, moves to complete the missing -X- value in the equation.
This equation has been produced from somewhere, the sources of its production come from the basic cultural values of the person. Basic culture values consist of a combination or correlation values.
In other words, the value 11 is related to the person feeling himself in the comfort zone mentally, he has placed himself there mentally.
Let me give a simple example of this, things are fine, there is money, family order is good, what is missing? What is missing is produced value. For example, it could be going to a mall, it could be going on vacation, it could be creating some kind of entertainment.
Now let's look at the value-X-, it has to be -4-, where will he find it? Let's say he met someone, if that person is worth 3, he tries to make it 4, that is, he tries to duplicate it. If it is 5, it tries to decrease it this time, that is, it forces the person to complete the deficiency or shave off the excess according to their own needs or desires, because they try to arrange it according to their comfort zone of need.
Where does it get to that point? It comes from; Of course, the person tries to reach the person with the value of 4, but it may not always coincide, he tries to change it over time, this is usually the case.
These equations are interesting algorithms, some take 5 minutes, some take 5 weeks, some take 5 months, some take 5 years, some take 50 years.
Clusters are moving areas, one inevitably always creates a set for oneself in some way within the mean of the sets. The reason for the existence of that cluster is related to the basic instincts of determining one's priorities at the moment.
Let me give sequential examples of this, for example, for someone who is very stuck and has come to the toilet, the cluster is formed in that direction at the moment. Lets assume that; four people are going on a long road in a vehicle, they are trying to reach somewhere, someone's toilet came, he held-sick but he could not hold it, at any cost, he stops the car and throws himself out.
Someone in the car, we have no time to waste, we are trying to get you to the train, your ticket will burn. Person; burns, says I'll go with the next one.
Likewise, people behave in the same way in terms of shelter and nutrition, that is, they are ready to burn a thousand lira ticket to pee under a tree. People who are extremely hungry or thirsty, have shelter problems, or have certain problems, such as those who are under heavy heat or cold, or who are extremely wet or extremely exhausted, form clusters at the same time and act to make up for the deficiency without calculating the profit and loss. it does.
Why did I tell you this theory? The reason is this; it is a theory, so we can analyze and examine a large number of characters through this theory with good observation and sound contemplation. So it's not like giving fish, but teaching how to fish. The theory provides the development of techniques, creates paths, and by observing many forms of behavior, one can make classifications over this theory.
An example of this could be Freud, that is, the founder or theorist of the psychoanalytic system is not Freud, but a Swiss man, his name is Otto Rank.
Freud took the theory from him and developed it in his own way. Jung and Adler were also Freud's students, and they also took this theory and interpreted it according to themselves. Let me give an example through Freud, as I said, the material a person uses is his own cultural background.
Now put yourself in the shoes of a Viennese Jew and I'll explain what it's like. In fact, Nietche had the same trouble, namely that the racism of the Germans is very deep. For example, a European scavenger considers himself superior to a professor Turkish or Jew, and this is indeed the case.
In fact, a European worker considers himself superior to his foreign employer. The reason for this is their own education and culture, this culture is placed in their minds when they are babies. What would Freud do; Would he base his system on European culture? He did not do so, but associated it with his native culture, that is, he put the core Kabbalah symbolism as values into his psychoanalytic system.
In other words, it was fed from its original garden. That's what every person does anyway, so the place to look is what values come from the algorithms of such equations. For example, a petty-bourgeois from a nuclear family shapes himself through the culture of the city rather than the family culture, while the general basic values are organized through this tribal culture, even if the person from a provincial tribal culture is a professor.
For example; Adler and Jung reduced theory to lower levels, one to cultural heritage and the other to archetypal basic instincts. He often cited them as a source for dreams and symbolism values at the subconscious level.
Nietche's drama, on the other hand, is different, he always wanted to see himself as a German, but he was excluded, and because he was excluded, he became an enemy of Germany, and this is his contradiction. He was close friends with the great German nationalist composer Wagner.
But on the other hand he hated the German society in which he lived because he was a philosopher.
But a German girl in a German village did not value it even for a penny. Suppose a philosopher falls in love with a German peasant girl who is milking a cow, but she is not worth a penny in her eyes because she is a Polish.
A person constantly creates these equations, sometimes these equations are formed through the pyramid of needs or they are pushed to establish an equation. The obligation to be kept in a place for a certain period of time, such as military service, prison or schools, etc.
Even on the train, on the bus, in other words, the necessity of being in a place for a certain period of time, the cultural area created by that place is used as a source in the creation of that equation. For example, behaviors such as turning on music, reading a book, or reading a newspaper during a 1-2 hour journey are actually caused by the need to temporarily suspend oneself.
Because after 1-2 hours the place will deteriorate and there will be no investment in that place. Therefore, although the place forces him to form a cluster, he basically tries to make up for the lack with the things in his bag. If there is none, he tries to have a conversation with the passenger next to him in the consistency of fellow countryman. So the equation has produced a deficiency and the person tries to fill this deficiency, namely the -X- field, this is general human behavior. So 999,999 out of every million people behave this way.
The second type of behavior, that is, the behavior that one person in a million can display, is the opposite. The pattern of behavior goes like this, when a cluster is formed in any way, notice here, what did I say?
When the cluster is formed, what is it about? It is a situation that occurs in the state of perception and observation or being active as an observer.
Let's assume that the numerical values on the left side of the equation are constantly changing, that is, there is a quantum field uncertainty field.
If you are not observing that field as an observer, what is happening there is not already in your field of perception, so the field of perception is important here as a general illumination.
Let's go back to the first example, what did we say? As an observer, one observes a value on the left side of the equation, let's say this value is 10. Why 10? Because the world of imagination or the world of knowledge is just that, because everything and everyone is stuck at the limit of their own potential, everyone is always at the limit of their own potential, this is the basic nature of existence, to endure to the limit.
You might think, my potential is more, I am more than I am, yes this is the root value, but as long as there is a missing piece, that thing is not you anyway. For example, you are very smart, very smart, etc.
But you are lazy, so you are already at the limits of the first two values, in addition to laziness, you have already reached the limit potential of being smart, if you add hard work to this, the new limit is determined.
If you add courage to this, a new limit will be determined again, that is, as the formation factors increase and expand, the limits of your potential change and you always go to the limit. When you add a new value to yourself, you will surpass your old potential.
Therefore, human imagination and knowledge base determines the value after equals, and accordingly, the deficiency that we call the -X- factor in the sum of the values on the left side of the equation is determined accordingly. Whoever you are, if the equation that the algorithm will establish motivates you to create a value after being equal in this way and fill the gap that will reach that value, this situation makes you a prisoner of that algorithm.
So the value of feeling incomplete, the whole current system is built on this, even if you are superman, they still make you feel incomplete.
What was the other? Let's say you turn your head as an observer and observe a field, at the same time you will see that the numerical values there are suddenly fixed.
For example, you observed that it was very compressed, but let's assume that; you're mentally ill, you pissed under it, you don't care, so you've observed the area, it's like in the joke. But for some reason, as soon as you observe the field, you have already observed certain values perceptually, there is no deficiency in the field you observe, it cannot be because you only looked at the left side of the equation because you did not form a perception about a value that needs to be reached.
What will you see? Let's say we have this in the equation; 1+2+3+4: 10, such a value is output, what is 10? You see something useless, you change the observation field. What is useless?
Suppose you are fishing with a fishing rod, a scorpion or a puffer fish is caught, a wasted move, something you do not want, you take it and throw it back into the sea. Let's say; someone is chatting, you have been an observer, the following value emerged; 2+3+5: 8, what is this, you say empty words. What do you get when you act this way?
You never feel a lack, you always feel a lack of the other, you take action to make up for that lack, but there are strange deceptions in this direction in society, in every field of daily life, and this is done by someone who appoints himself as an authority.
For example; Someone next to you, come on, we're going to be late, so this is to create an equation, it makes you feel lacking, you need to hurry or someone gave you an emotional reaction, let's say he got angry, angry, inevitably created the equation, there is a missing value there. To appease him, to persuade him, to console him, whatever it is, it leads you to a behavior.
In other words, the system always shows you something missing, and you spend your life trying to make up for this lack, but this is something that will never end, there is always something missing because the algorithm is built on producing incomplete. If you want to exit the algorithm, what should you not produce? You're not supposed to generate the value after an equals that you think it should be?
Then you collapse the matrix. For example; There was an argument, one of the parties had an emotional breakdown, so what happens if the person tries to fix it? It tries to make up for a deficiency. For example; Don't be upset, I didn't mean to say that, I didn't want to upset you, it was misunderstood, etc., what is it? You've seen the lack in the field, what does that break? It breaks the principle. For example; who wants their honesty punished, it's such a cruel thing, is something good punished?
The dangers of this are very great, just as in the story, causing that person to give up honesty rather than harming the moment is actually the worst cruelty.
For example; You asked someone a question and he gave you an honest answer in line with his own values, but you didn't like that answer and you tried to punish him. That person thinks as follows in his next actions;
What's wrong with me, you talk to me honestly, you are punished in return, the best thing is to say he, this is what is wrong, so you spoil a person's values. This is how it usually happens, that is, 999,999 people out of every million people who are subjected to this and similar treatment stop being honest because they get offended, get angry, become enemies, hold grudges, etc. But when does this happen? This is what happens if you're acting as an extension of the algorithm. Now let's break this down into numeric values, you observed a field, what does that mean? Someone told you something, and you listened, that means observing the field.