Living Liturgy for Music Ministers

By Verna Holyhead, Orin E. Johnson, Jessica Mannen Kimmet, Victoria McBride, Father Ruberval Monteiro da Silva

Living Liturgy for Music Ministers
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Inspire music ministers to confidently and prayerfully lead your community in song with Living LiturgyTM for Music Ministers. Dynamic content and an engaging team of contributors offer music ministers the spiritual preparation they need to be effective leaders of sung prayer. The Liturgy of the Word, and particularly the psalm, will come alive in new ways for the entire worshiping assembly.
Living LiturgyTMfor Music Ministersbegins with the First Sunday of Advent 2022 and includes the following:
  • Suggestions for the psalmist's spiritual preparation and prayer
  • Readings and responsorial psalm for every Sunday, Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, and holy days of obligation
  • Reflection on the day's gospel reading
  • Catechetical connections between the readings
  • Ministry prayers that correspond with the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communionand Lectorseditions of Living Liturgy, promoting unity among all liturgical ministers

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