No matter what anyone tells you, boat cooking IS different from cooking ashore. The space is smaller, there’s no grocery store 5 minutes away, you have fewer prepared foods and electric appliances, and food storage is much different.
Despite cruising different oceans, we—Jan and Carolyn--both faced the same challenges: eating well while having time to enjoy all the other great aspects of cruising. We love to snorkel, swim, kayak, explore—and just sit and admire the view.
We learned with the cookbooks we both had aboard, and wished for information that wasn't available--like when Jan ended up with a frozen chicken complete with head and feet and no instructions on how to cut it up.
When we couldn't get foods such as sour cream, English muffins, spaghetti sauce or yogurt, we adapted recipes to make our own. Other times, we experimented with substituting ingredients--maybe the result wasn’t identical, but it was still tasty. We ended up with over 150 substitutions and dozens of “make it yourself” options. As we traded recipes and knowledge with each other, we realized we were compiling information that became The Boat Galley Cookbook:
The Boat Galley Cookbook is designed to help you every step of the way. We hope it becomes a trusted reference on your boat, and a source of many enjoyable meals.