In today's information-based economy, intellectual property law has received more attention than ever before. Yet little has been said about the damages and remedies that are available--until now. Intellectual Property Law: Damages and Remedies addresses two crucial concerns of intellectual property owners--how to recover monetary compensation when an infringement has occurred and how to prevent further infringement. This unique work explains how compensation and remedies are determined in every scenario, including infringement on the Internet. You'll read about: ex parte seizures and stopping infringing goods at the border; provisional rights and remedies for patent owners; injunctive relief; monetary damages; punitive and statutory enhanced damages; attorneys' fees and costs; and more. This is the first book to turn to for coverage of all the issues that arise once liability for infringement has been established.
Book ʐ looseleaf, one volume, 808 pages; published in 2000, updated as needed; no additional charge for updates during your subscription. Looseleaf print subscribers receive supplements. The online edition is updated automatically. ISBN: 978-1-58852-094-4