Going Online with Protocols

By Janet Mannheimer Zydney, Alan Dichter

Going Online with Protocols
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Many users of the popular professional develoment book The Power of Protocols have discovered that protocols are also very useful for online teaching. This new book, by three of the same authors, focuses on using protocols to enhance learning with students in multiple environments including online. The authors provide online adaptations for such traditional protocols as the Tuning Protocol, the Collaborative Assessment Conference, and the Constultancy protocol. They also offer entirely new ptotocols unique to the online environment. Book features include: the only book to specifically address teaching with protocols; detailed guidance to help experienced online teachers protocols; clear steps for newcomers to teaching online or teaching with Web 2.0 tools; and descriptions of each protocol; protocols suited to a wide variety of technology platforms, ranging from pure text-based to multisensory environments.

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