Creating Inclusive Classrooms

By Spencer J. Salend

Creating Inclusive Classrooms
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For courses in Inclusion or Mainstreaming, Educating Students with Disabilities in General Education Classrooms, Introduction to Special Education, Methods courses in Special Education, and courses on Collaboration and Differentiating Instruction. From one of the most respected authors in the field, comes the sixth edition of this best-selling, accessible and practical text for Inclusion courses. Rich in K-12 classroom-based examples, CD-ROM video examples, and case studies of effective inclusive educational practices, this non-categorical text addresses the latest information on inclusion in today's schools. Four principles of effective instruction provide a framework for the text 1.) all learners and equal access 2.) individual strengths and challenges and diversity 3.) reflective practices and differentiated instruction 4.) and community and collaboration. These principles, woven throughout the chapters, demonstrate that inclusion is not just a government mandate but a principled philosophy of reflective and effective teaching for individualizing the educational system for all students. effective and reflective classroom practices into each chapter, the book is consistent with professional standards for preparing teachers to work in today's diverse classrooms. Additionally, this text is the only one on the market that devotes four whole chapters to the topic of Differentiated Instruction. Creating Inclusive Classrooms: Effective and Reflective Practices, Sixth Edition, is written to help readers become effective and reflective practitioners who are able to think critically about their own values, beliefs, and practices, and to refine professional practices to facilitate the creation of inclusive classrooms that support the learning of all students.

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