Busy bees and stately trees. Tiny snails and great white whales. All creatures large and small share the same majestic home -- our beloved Earth.
Envoking a heartwarming sense of family and belonging, Jean Marzollo's serene, lyrical tribute, accompanied by Ashly Wolff's lush illustrations, celebrates the natural world with graceful simplicity.
From the tiniest worker ant to the giant whales deep in the ocean, everything on Earth has a place to call home. Jean Marzollo’s beautiful poem celebrates the universal love of family and belonging, with a graceful simplicity. Lushly detailed, vibrant oil paintings by Ashley Wolff make the familiar places—deep water streams, sweet clover fields, cozy homes—sparkle with newness, inviting a fresh, wondrous look at the world around us.An Alternate Selection of the Children’s Book-of-the-Month Club